Acupuncture Continuing Education

HealthCMI Online

Healthcare Medicine Institute Online

Continuing Education for Nursing, Dental, and Acupuncture

HealthCMi Continuing Education Online

Guide to Downloads, Quizzes, Certificates

To downloaded courses, take quizzes and get certificates at :

1. LOGIN if not already logged in: Enter your username and password
2. Once logged in, a yellow menu appears on the left called "Courses, Tests, Certificates"
3. Click on "Acupuncture Courses" or "Nursing Courses" in the yellow "Courses, Quizzes, Certificates" menu.
4. Follow the links. Courses can be downloaded to multiple locations, quizzes can be taken (and re-taken if needed), and certificates of completion can be saved or printed.

Note: the green colored Take Quiz button changes to a gold Get Certificate button once you have passed the quiz.

We hope you enjoy the course materials! Support

Online Course Access


Simply purchase a course, download the course materials, take the quiz, and receive a certificate of completion for continuing education credit.


If you have already purchased a course, click below:


Acupuncture Course Access



If you have added items to your cart, click below for Check Out:



External Resources

Videos, Podcasts, and more . . . 

copper hwato 30mm wound
A short video on pelvic inflammatory disease and Chinese medicine.
A short video on Chinese Medicine dietetics.
Enjoy the podcast on acupuncture and herbs.


Acupuncture Needle Styles >
Take a look at some of the types of acupuncture needles.
Information on food safety and nutrition is available on the Foodconsumer website.
This is the US governments take on acupuncture. Take a look to see what the perspective is from the government.
This is the WebMD perspective on acupuncture. Take a look to see a mainstream view.



This page features a variety of external resources for exploring acupuncture, herbs, and traditional medicine. Enjoy our links to podcasts, videos, and more. At HealthCMi, we provide a news service. Simply click on the NEWS link at the top of the page to see the latest Traditional Chinese Medicine news and research. The HealthCMi podcast features recent discoveries in acupuncture and herbal medicine. HealthCMi videos often present detailed treatment protocols for the resolution of specific conditions.