Acupuncture Continuing Education

Upcoming Dietetics Live Webinars

Dietetics Online Courses

New dietetics webinars will be at HealthCMi.

The Chinese Medicine (CM) dietetics continuing education series expands this year with four new live webinars. HealthCMi will offer these online courses for acupuncture continuing education credit for all licensed acupuncturists in the USA, Canada and Australia. Acupuncturists earn PDA points for NCCAOM recertification, CEUs for California Acupuncture Board credit, Texas CAEs, Florida acupuncturist CEs, CTCMA & CAAA continuing education credits and CEUs from several other certifying bodies for acupuncture continuing education credit including the AACMA. New to the list is California Board of Registered Nursing contact hours in addition to the preapproved acupuncture CEUs.

The new Chinese Medicine dietetics courses present the healing properties of individual foods, entrées and combinations of herbs with foods. This complements the existing Chinese Medicine dietetics course that can be taken at any time. The anytime course can be downloaded and taken immediately and the webinars are taken a specific times and dates.  The first live webinar in May will feature special dishes for the treatment of headaches and respiratory disorders. The second live webinar on June 30th will feature special dishes for the treatment of urogenital and metabolic disorders. The next acupuncture continuing education live webinar will be on July 20th and features special dishes for the treatment of cardiovascular and digestive disorders. The is followed up by another dietetics live webinar featuring dishes for the treatment of obstetric and gynecological concerns.

I will present the new dietetics courses with Prof. Jeffrey Pang, L.Ac., who created the curriculum for Five Branches University and is the current department chair of both the theory and herbology departments. Many of the healing foods in the Chinese Medicine dietetics series focus on chronic ailments, which are best suited towards dietetics remedies. Participants will gain greater insight into the healing properties of everyday fruits, nuts, vegetables, fruits, grains and meats. Food remedies take the form of individual foods, snacks, drinks, entrées and desserts.

A biomedical perspective is added to the Chinese Medicine differential diagnostic perspective. Current research complements traditional Chinese Medicine functions, indications and treatment principles. The dietetics courses present food remedies for general constitutional imbalances along with remedies for specific disorders. There are a few surprises along the way. Some fruits, for example, turn out to have very damp properties and are therefore unhealthy choices for many people. On the other hand, many foods that are considered questionable in biomedicine terms turn out to be healthy choices when looking to resolve specific ailments. This adds a sense of fun and exploration to these acupuncture continuing education live webinar online events.

It’s easy to sign-up for the courses. Simply use the online shopping cart to purchase access to the webinars and a link to a web page will be given to you for each webinar. On the day of the event, simply visit the web page and the event will begin. Over twenty years ago, our featured events were in-classroom conferences. Now, many licensed acupuncturists prefer the online experience because it is convenient and provides a valuable learning experience. People are able to view the courses on their laptops, desktop computer, smartphones such as the iPhone or Andriod, iPads and even on an iPod touch.

Acupuncture Continuing Education Credits