Hawaii Acupuncture CEUs Online
Acupuncture Continuing Education
Acupuncturists in Hawaii receive acupuncture continuing education credit at HealthCMi. All courses at HealthCMi are NCCAOM approved for diplomates and all HealthCMi courses are accepted in the State of Hawaii for acupuncture continuing education credit. Enjoy our quality online courses and get license renewal credit. Simply purchase the course materials for download, take the online quiz, and receive a certificate of completion. Enjoy our anytime courses available in written, audio, and video formats. You may re-take the quiz as often as is needed and there is no time limit. We also offer a series of live webinars.
All HealthCMi courses meet the State of Hawaii Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs (DCCA), Professional and Vocational, Board of Acupuncture licensing requirements for continuing education credit. The Hawaii DCCA notes that the acupuncturist license date for both renewals and restorations is "biennial by June 30 every odd numbered year."
At HealthCMi, we offer NCCAOM Diplomate online courses approved for general credit and special courses certified for the NCCAOM safety and ethics requirements.