New York & New Jersey Acupuncture
NCCAOM Continuing Education License PDA's
All New York and New Jersey acupuncturists receive continuing education credit for all acupuncture continuing education courses at HealthCMi. All courses at HealthCMi are NCCAOM pre-approved for Acupuncturist Diplomate credit. New York and New Jersey accept all NCCAOM approved acupuncture continuing education courses. This applies to all states with NCCAOM requirements in addition to NY and NJ. Simply purchase the online material, take the quiz, and receive a certificate of completion. Enjoy these quality materials for acupuncture continuing education credit online. There is no time limit and quizzes may retaken as needed.
Acupuncture Continuing Education Pre-Approved for All
Diplomate of Acupuncture (Dipl. Ac.)
Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (Dipl. O.M.)
Diplomate in Chinese Herbology (Dipl. C.H.)
Acupuncturists in The Big Apple and The Garden State understand value. HealthCMi brings quality acupuncture continuing education content and low everyday prices together to make your acupuncturist license renewal process simple, affordable and worthwhile. Enjoy our HealthCMi online courses now!
NJ Herbal Medicine Requirement (10 CEUs/PDAs)
HealthCMi courses with herbal medicine content fulfill the Acupuncture Examining Board (New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs) requirements for herbal medicine. Simply choose appropriate HealthCMi distance learning and live webinar courses with herbal medicine content.
Free Webinars For NJAAOM Members
HealthCMi offers up to four complimentary live webinars for NJAAOM (New Jersey Association of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine) members. This offer applies to live webinar events and not to anytime distance learning courses. Click the following button to register for complimentary webinars: