Acupuncture Continuing Education

Wisconsin Acupuncture Continuing Education

NCCAOM Approvced CEUs/PDAs

Home of Xi Yang Shen Ginseng



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Wisconsin licensed acupuncturists receive acupuncture continuing education credit toward NCCAOM Diplomate and state license renewal at HealthCMi. All acupuncturist courses are NCCAOM approved for continuing education credit. From Devil’s Lake to Milwaukee and Madison, HealthCMi offers affordable and high quality online acupuncture continuing education courses to help renew your license.

Simply download the online materials, take the online quiz and receive a certificate of completion online and instantly. You get to keep the course content and may print the e-book if you want a paper copy. The e-book, in Adobe PDF format, is Apple and Windows compatible. HealthCMi courses are in both written eBook and online video formats. Need to take the quiz more than once? No need to worry, you can re-take the quiz as needed and there are no extra charges to do so. Our goal is to provide a quality learning experience and help you obtain your license renewal at the same time. Enjoy the ease of obtaining your acupuncture license renewal.

NCCAOM Acupuncture CEUs

General Information for Wisconsin acupuncturists:
The Wisconsin Society of Certified Acupuncturists is a non-profit entity that promotes acupuncture.  Wisconsin acupuncturists are under the purview of the State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing. All HealthCMi courses meet the Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing requirements for acupuncture license recertification. Wisconsin is world-famous for its American Ginseng which is supported by the Ginseng Board of Wisconsin.

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