Acupuncture Continuing Education

Dates to be announced

Location: Internet Online Live Webinar

This live webinar covers the TCM and biomedicine aspects of infertility treatment. Learn how to regulate hormone levels with acupuncture and herbs and how to translate biomedical lab results and findings into a TCM diagnosis and treatment protocol. Learn the role of PCOS, egg quality, hyperandrogenemia, autoimmune disorders, uterine cycle issues and the effects of aging in relation to infertility treatment. Participants learn how to prevent chronic recurrent miscarriages. Enjoy this course on the treatment and prevention of infertility with acupuncture and herbal medicine.

Program objective highlights for participants:
1. To provide the attendee with a thorough understanding of biomedical diagnosis, evaluation and treatment protocols for the infertile patient.
2. To teach the participants how to diagnose and treat the infertile couple through a TCM perspective.
3. To teach the students what they can and cannot treat and when it is appropriate to refer out to a reproductive endocrinologist. 
4. To teach the students what herbs can be used in conjunction with Western reproductive medicinals. 



Topic Highlights:

TCM and biomedicine perspectives on reproductive hormones and general issues of infertility including elevated FSH relating to poor egg quality, the LH to FSH ratio and its relationship to PCOS, the role of progesterone in fertility and the role of estrogen.

TCM and biomedicine perspectives on the pathophysiology of the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, ovaries and the role of hyperandrogenemia and ovarian demise. An examination of endocrinology from a TCM perspective is presented.

TCM and biomedicine perspectives on the uterine cycle: Menstrual phase, Proliferative phase, Secretory phase, Late secretory phase.

TCM and biomedicine perspectives on ovarian follicle through the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, Ovulation, Ovarian changes, and Endometrial Changes.

TCM and biomedicine perspectives on premature ovarian failure, lymphocytic oopheritis and when these these conditions are ethically treatable with Western or Chinese medicine. When P.O.F. means that donor-egg in IVF is the only appropriate protocol and when can TCM help from an ethical treatment perspective.

TCM and biomedicine perspectives on autoimmune disorders as contributing factors to recurrent miscarriages including the proper and ethical implementation of TCM treatments in these situation. Activated Natural Killer cell contribution, Antiphospholipid syndrome and whether or not Anueploidy can be treated are examined.

TCM and biomedicine perspectives on the aging patient including how to translate FSH levels into TCM clinical guide-posts, Egg quality v. ovarian reserve and where the ethical and appropriate focus of treatment is applied. Ethical discussion of endometrial age, oocyte quality and when not to treat.