Mississippi Acupuncture CEUs
Acupuncture Continuing Education
NCCAOM PDAs, Provider #602
Mississippi licensed acupuncturists fulfill their NCCAOM Diplomate recertification online at HealthCMi. All acupuncture continuing education online courses are pre-approved by the NCCAOM. Purchase the online course, download the course materials, and get a certificate of completion instantly. You keep the course content. Enjoy our audio, video, eBook, and live webinar courses. You may print the eBook if you wish to make a paper copy. The ebook, in PDF format, is Apple and Windows compatible and is also searchable. The course material is also viewable on iPhones, iPads and many smart phones.
Mississippi is the 49th state to legalize acupuncture with a licensing law. In 2009, the governor signed HB458 making acupuncture a legal profession in the State of Mississippi. Mississippi acupuncturist can obtain their acupuncture ceu credits at HealthCMI online. The Mississippi Oriental Medicine Association is an interesting resource to learn more about the legal process of acupuncture in Mississippi.