Herbs for COVID-19 and Long COVID
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Qing Fei Pai Du Tang 清肺排毒汤
Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Decoction
According to the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (NATCM, China), the herbal formula Qing Fei Pai Du Tang had a 90% response rate out of a total of 214 clinical cases of COVID-19 related pneumonia... more in course materials
All Purpose
Qing Fei Pai Du Tang is regarded as a general, all-purpose formula for the treatment of mild, moderate, severe, and critical COVID-19 patients, including presentations with fever, chills, coughing, headache, asthma, and fatigue. Modifications follow differential diagnostics and symptom presentations. Dosage and herbal ingredients are adjusted for specific presentations. The follow are ingredients and modifications... more in course materials
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Xuan Fei Bai Du Fang 宣肺败毒方
Lung Ventilating and Detoxifying Formula
Xuan Fei Bai Du Fang is a general, all-purpose formula for the treatment of mild and moderate COVID-19 patients, especially for moderate cases of epidemic damp toxins stagnating in the lungs. Indications include coughing, shortness of breath, asthma, fatigue, fever, low appetite, pharyngeal discomfort, and diarrhea. Treatment principles for this presentation are clear heat, remove toxins, dissolve phlegm, and drain dampness. The following are ingredients and modifications based on presentations... more in course materials
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Hua Shi Bai Du Tang
Dampness Resolving and Detoxifying Formula
This formula is indicated for severe or critical cases when toxins block the lungs. The tongue is read with a yellow and greasy coating and the pulse is slippery. Indications include:
• Fever
• Flushed face
• Shortness of breath
• Coughing
• Wheezing
• Yellow phlegm or blood in sputum
• Fatigue
• Dryness
• Bitter taste or stickiness in the mouth
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea
• Scant urination
• Constipation or poor elimination
The following are the herbs and modifications based on presentations... more in course materials
Ying & Blood Level
In severe cases of COVID-19 there may be cases where heat is present in the ying level or the xue (blood) level in the four levels categorization method. This leads to both yin and blood deficiency with blood stasis. Indications include asthma, chest oppression, shortness of breath, macules, papules, and the tongue has a dark color. Blood coagulation & clotting tests, including a D-dimer test, may indicate a blood clotting disorder. In this case, invigorate blood circulation, cool the blood, and remove blood stasis. Recommended herbs to choose from to add to the formula are... more in course materials
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Wen Yi & Li Qi
In traditional Chinese medicine, COVID-19 is a wen yi (瘟疫) illness because it is an epidemic illness, one that is highly contagious and spreads quickly. Wen yi is often translated as pestilence, plague, or epidemic.
SARS-CoV-2 is the li qi (疠气), which is the specific pathogen that causes COVID-19. According to TCM principles, highly contagious wen yi requires treatment, isolation, and preventative measures to prevent spreading throughout the populace.
COVID-19 is transmissible by people with asymptomatic and symptomatic presentations. The incubation period ranges from 1–15 days, but is usually…
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Epidemic Damp-Toxin
Differential diagnostics vary among patients, populations, and throughout the duration of the disease. Overall, COVID-19 is categorized as an epidemic damp-toxin, with some translations using the term damp-toxin pestilence. Damp pathogens are yin pathogens characterized by insidious onset that lingers combined with…
More diagnostics plus signs and symptoms in course materials…
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Since COVID-19 is a damp-toxin, which has the quality of lingering and resisting recuperation, long-term COVID (Long COVID) may persist. Many cases have been reported with long-term fatigue and loss of taste and olfactory function…
More in course materials including signs, symptoms, and acupuncture points with locations and functions for prevention, treatment of active cases, and long-term recuperation...
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Long COVID Exhaustion & Fatigue
Two major factors in long-term COVID-19 related depleted energy levels are lingering pathogenic factors and qi & blood deficiency. Lingering pathogenic factors may be viewed biomedically as insufficient clearing of the virus or secondary infections. Lingering pathogenic factors may also be viewed in terms of the six evils (wind, cold, damp, heat, summer heat, dry) and other Chinese medicine diagnostics. The goal is to clear the lingering pathogenic factors (pernicious influences) to restore vitality. The clear toxin treatment...
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Brain Fog
Brain fog is a common persistent symptom after COVID-19. Researchers note that it is a syndrome characterized by...
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