Newfoundland and Labrador Acupuncture
Online Continuing Education
Acupuncture continuing education online courses are available to acupuncturists in Newfoundland and Labrador at HealthCMi. All courses are NCCAOM and California Acupuncture Board approved. HealthCMi courses meet many standards including those of the CMAAC (The Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada), CTCMA, BCNA, CAA, and the CTCMPAO. Get R. Ac. continuing education online at HeathCMi. Prices for courses are listed in US dollars (USD).
- Registered acupuncturists in Newfoundland and Labrador are regulated via the NLCHP (Newfoundland and Labrador Council of Health Professionals).
- The CTCMPL (College of TCM Practitioners And Acupuncturists of NL) establishes mandatory registration ensuring standards of practice for acupuncturists.