The video portion of this course features how to make two tasty soups. One soup is for tonifying and the other is for clearing heat and toxins. The latter is appropriate for patients with COVID-19, influenza, tonsillitis, and other external pathogenic influences. Written materials support the video and include special sections on phytoestrogens and green, black, and brown tea.
Prof. Jeffrey Pang, L.Ac. presents a special Shan Yao soup to tonify spleen qi and benefit digestion. This soup is great for strengthening children and the elderly, recovering from illness, and for alleviating chronic coughing. The second soup is the Ba Wang Hua soup, which clears heat & toxins. It tastes great and is very useful for addressing coughing, toxic phlegm, fevers, and many issues associated with wind-heat and acute illness.
Additional materials cover different types of tea and their medicinal benefits, phytoestrogens, and special monographs of individual foods. Download the course materials, complete the online quiz, and receive a certificate of completion for acupuncture continuing education credit.
To view a sample of the course, click the following: Acupuncture CEUs >
Purchase the course and it will be downloaded to your computer in PDF format. PDFs work on Apple Mac, Windows PC, iPad, iPhone, Android and other platforms. After reviewing the course, take the online quiz and a certificate of completion will be automatically generated for INSTANT credit. You may re-take the quiz as often as is needed and there is no time limit.
Continuing Education Credits
11 NCCAOM Diplomate PDAs (11 core: AOM-CH 6, AOM-BIO 5)
11 California Acupuncture Board CEUs (category 1)
11 Texas CAEs (6 herbology, 4 biomedicine, 1 ethics/safety)
11 California Board of Registered Nursing contact hours
11 Florida Board of Acupuncture CEs (5 biomed, 6 general)
11 CCHPBC British Columbia acupuncture CEs
11 BCNA & CNPBC (British Columbia Naturopathic Assoc.) credits
11 CAAA Alberta CEUs
11 CTCMPAO (Ontario, Canada) continuing education credits
11 OAQ CEUs (Board of Acupuncturists of Quebec)
11 NZASA Chinese Medicine CPDs, Category 2 (New Zealand Acupuncture Standards Authority)
11 Acupuncture NZ (NZRA) New Zealand CEUs
11 NS-CMAAC Nova Scotia acupuncture CEUs
11 CMBA CPDs/CEUs (Chinese Medicine Board of Australia)
Massachusetts: applicable towards the acupuncture & herbs requirements
Prof. Jeffrey Pang, L.Ac.
Prof. Jeffrey Pang received his M.D. in western medicine and TCM from the Sun Yat Sen University of Medical Science in Guangzhou, China. He practiced as a licensed acupuncturist for ten years in Guangzhou and Hong Kong prior to becoming a licensed acupuncturist in California. Prof. Pang’s family has practiced TCM for generations and his clinical practice spans over 30 years. Since 1984, Prof. Pang has served as the Department Chair for the Theory, Herbology and Internal Medicine departments at Five Branches University. Currently, he is an active faculty member at Five Branches University at both the Santa Cruz and San Jose locations and authors publications for Chinese Medicine and dietetics at HealthCMi. In addition to teaching and curriculum development for Five Branches University and HealthCMi, Prof. Pang has a private practice in Santa Cruz and San Jose, California.
Adam White, L.Ac., Dipl. OM. (NCCAOM), M.T.C.M.
Adam White, L.Ac. has served as a faculty member and continuing education director for Five Branches University, where he is currently a research advisor. His publications cover a variety of topics including Chinese medicine dietetics, pelvic inflammatory disorder treatments, acupuncture for musculoskeletal pain, and herb-drug interactions. Adam White's current projects include organic herbal medicine farming, classical acupoint prescriptions combined with modern research, and the development of post-doctoral course materials for licensed acupuncturists. His private acupuncture practice is located in Capitola, California.
Good basic course, well presented.
Fun course!
I loved watching the soup ingredients being prepared and the soups being cooked.