HealthCMi presents a live acupuncture CEU webinar for the treatment of neck and back pain on Sunday, February 4 at 10 am Pacific Time. This webinar covers modern research showing specific acupuncture points that increase endorphin levels in patients with lumbar disc herniations. This webinar also shows research supported acupuncture points that alleviate neck and back pain, including neck pain caused by intervertebral disc degeneration.
This live webinar counts as in-person acupuncture CEU credit in the entire USA, Canada, New Zealand, and more. This includes the California Acupuncture Board and the CTCMA in British Columbia, Canada. This online event does not require a quiz because it counts as in-person acupuncture CEU credit. We look forward to sharing this groundbreaking research that is useful in our acupuncture clinics to help patients achieve pain relief and functional & structural recovery.
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There is a text chat room where participants can ask question during the event, which is 10am–4pm PT. The webinar includes modern research, important videos, and an in-depth look at special acupuncture points and prescriptions for the alleviation of musculoskeletal pain. Researchers show that stimulation of certain acupoints improves blood circulation and metabolism, thereby reducing neuritis (peripheral nerve inflammation) by activating qi and blood. Join us for this special online event.