HealthCMi presents a live acupuncture CEU webinar for the treatment of anxiety, hypertension, and shen-spirit acupoints on Sunday, February 11 at 10am Pacific Time. Explore acupuncture points supported by modern research that effectively regulate and lower blood pressure. A special section of the acupuncture continuing education webinar addresses shen-spirit points that benefit the seven emotions. Modern research showing acupuncture and Chinese medicine benefitting patients with heart disease and shen (spirit) disturbances is presented.
This live webinar counts as in-person acupuncturist CEU credit in many countries (the entire USA, Canada, New Zealand), states, and provinces. This includes the California Acupuncture Board and the CTCMA in British Columbia, Canada. This online event does not require a quiz because it counts as in-person acupuncture CEU credit.
Groundbreaking research, clinical results, and optimal acupuncture treatments are presented in the online CEU webinar event.
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There is a text chat room where participants can ask question during the event, which is 10am–4pm PT. All participants enjoy complete privacy and no quiz is required for state/province CEU and NCCAOM PDA credit. Join us for this special online event. Participants are encouraged to ask questions (via text chat) about HealthCMi research on acupuncture needles, herbs, and other topics including the treatment of COVID-19 and Long COVID.