Chinese Medicine Dietetics, Volume 1 is now available in paperback at Amazon and other bookseller outlets. Five years in the making, the authors have combined Chinese medicine dietetics with ‘western’ biomedicine. The book opens with a brief history and introduction to Chinese medicine theory and dietetics preparation techniques. Next, the focus shifts to a detailed look at individual foods and their uses for the healing of specific disorders. Cereals, tubers, oils, condiments, liquor, beans, fungi, fruits, vegetables and herbs are covered in detail. A special section looks at the healing properties of tea. It is a fresh look into the world of traditional Asian healing foods as well as the healing properties of foods from Europe and the Americas.
The authors created the book to better help students of Chinese medicine and licensed acupuncturists explore the foundations of dietetics. Prof. Jeffrey Pang, L.Ac. is the Department Chair for Theory and Herbology at Five Branches University (Santa Cruz and San Jose, California). Adam White, L.Ac. served as a faculty member at Five Branches University and as the Five Branches University Director of Acupuncture Continuing Education. Together, the authors have worked to create a text that integrates biomedical research and Chinese medicine dietetics principles.
The authors plan the release of Chinese Medicine Dietetics, Volume 2 later this year. It will include recipes for the treatment of headaches, respiratory disorders, urinary system dysfunction, diabetes, obesity, skin disorders and high blood pressure. More fruits, vegetables, herbs and nuts will be covered and a section on meats and dairy will be included. HealthCMi press currently offers Chinese Medicine Dietetics, Volume 1 in paperback through Amazon and other bookseller outlets.