Severely injured multiple trauma hospital patients have significantly higher survival rates when acupuncture is administered. In a new emergency medicine trauma center study, it was also discovered that multiple trauma patients receiving acupuncture also had a lower incidence of SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), an inflammatory state affecting the whole body. The investigators also found that multiple trauma patients receiving acupuncture had a significantly lower incidence of clinical complications including ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) and sepsis.
Acupuncture Saves LivesOne hundred fifty severely injured multiple trauma patients were randomly divided into three study groups. Group 1 received acupuncture at acupoints ST36 and P6. Group 2 received sham acupuncture, a simulated acupuncture experience. Group 3 was a control group receiving no acupuncture. Acupuncture and sham acupuncture were applied twice a day until the seventh day following the injury. The researchers concluded, “Acupuncture has beneficial effects on modulation of inflammatory response and will improve the clinical outcomes in severe multiple traumatic patients.”
Critical Care 2012, 16(Suppl 3):P38 doi:10.1186/cc11725. Decreased incidence of SIRS and sepsis by acupuncture in severe multiple traumatic patients via facilitation of vagal activity. H Liang and J Qu. 14 November 2012.
Author Affiliations: Research Institute of Surgery, Daping Hospital, Daping, Chongqing, China.