Researchers conclude that acupuncture significantly reduces intestinal disruptions after laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer. A randomized group of 165 patients were divided into three groups. Group 1 received electroacupuncture at St36 (Zusanli), SP6 (Sanyinjiao), LI4 (Hegu) and SJ6 (Zhigou). Group 2 received sham acupuncture, a type of simulated acupuncture used to rule out the placebo effect. Group 3 was the control group and received no acupuncture. The time to defecation was significantly reduced in the acupuncture group over the other groups. Secondary benefits of acupuncture were a reduced need for pain medications, decreased recovery time needed prior to walking and a decrease in the length of stay at the hospital.
About HealthCMi: Authors and presenters provide acupuncture continuing education for acupuncture CEUs online and publish the HealthCMi web news service.
Electroacupuncture Reduces Duration of Postoperative Ileus After Laparoscopic Surgery for Colorectal Cancer. Simon S.M. Ng, Wing Wa Leung, Tony W.C. Mak, Sophie S.F. Hon, Jimmy C.M. Li, Cherry Y.N. Wong, Kelvin K.F. Tsoi, Janet F.Y. Lee. Gastroenterology. Division of Colorectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong. 31 October 2012. published online 08 November 2012.