HealthCMI announces the course ‘Chinese Medicine Pediatrics and Ear Infections’ for January 2008. This course covers the clinical treatment of pediatric otitis media (middle ear infections / inflammation) including acupuncture, herbal medicine, moxa, and shoni-shin treatment modalities. It is approved for 7 NCCAOM national continuing education points, 7 Florida CE's, and 8 California acupuncture CEU's. As with all HealthCMI acupuncture courses, it is approved for continuing education credit in all states that license acupuncturists in the US and parts of Canada.
Ear infections account for approximately 30,000,000 pediatrician office visits per year in the USA and nearly 50% of all anitbiotic prescriptions for children. Otitis media occurs predominantly in children between the ages of 4 months and 5 years of age and the majority of children in the USA have had an ear infection before the age of 3. It is estimated that the allopathic medicine related costs for the treatment of childhood ear infections is approximately $2 billion dollars per year. This HealthCMI course comes at a very important time. The October 17th, 2007 issue of the ‘Journal of the American Medical Association’ reports that a new antibiotic resistance strain of streptococcus pneumoniae causing otitis media in children has recently been reported. The report notes that levofloxacin, which is not FDA approved for pediatric use, is currently the only known antibiotic to treat this strain of ear infections. The HealthCMI course ‘Chinese Medicine Pediatrics and Ear Infections’ will cover diagnostics, parent and child compliance issues, effective treatments, and a variety of other important topics concerning this substantial health risk to children.